Chris will be home in a few hours. He's been gone for 11 days to Italy, Paris, and Spain. Yea, I know I feel sorry for him too. He's been working really, he works hard. :)
I think I may have said to you before that when he goes on these long trips I put on my "Game face". Which basically just means that no matter what I won't fall apart until its all over. I've kept myself busy hoping that time would go be fast. Usually after about 5 days I am ready to go jump in a dark hole where its quiet and no one is saying, "Momma". It has to be one of the most loved and hated words in the world. Lukas likes to save it for a quiet moment in the car when he wants me to give him a smile. Sometimes I think it is the only word Bryant knows. Especially when he is wanting me to get him something or do something for him. I wish I could say that even after 11 days I am generally in a great mood, but the truth is that I am
S- Short on Patience
P- Positively Pooped
E- Entirely too Pooped to care
N- Not so nice
T- Totally Thankful that I have a husband and don't usually do this job alone.
And to end it all the Gamecocks lost to Georgia.
So here's how my 11 days has been like a Gamecock Football Game.
I've had lots of time to prepare for the game. I've got my "Game face" on and we're off to a great start by scoring early in the game (going to Toys 'R Us with 2 kids and not feeling like I should've left them in the car). I feel strong and confident and then comes the dropped pass (something like a momentary loss of patience). Then I begin to think that I may never score again or recover from the frustration of dropping the pass. But then a new opportunity presents itself and I feel a moment of redemption may be possible. I try really hard and though part of my team is doing their job the other part is failing miserably (I have a teachable moment with one of the kids, you know, like the chance to teach them something really profound, and the other kids is swinging from the stair rail). This analogy could go on for a long time, but to end our misery this is how it all ends. After the game my "Game face" comes off and I will probably cry for a good 5 minutes just to relieve some frustration, but by Monday I will have forgiven myself and the Gamecocks for the missed passes (missed opportunities) , the penalties (opportunities gone wrong), and just plain out bad play calls (momentary loss of sanity). I will also give myself and the Gamecocks a little compassion because we played hard, no one got hurt, and just because sometimes when we blow it we are our own worst critics.
So here's to the never ending hope that tomorrow I will get it right and the Gamecocks will win more games than they've lost.
You are a wonderful Mom. Sometimes we think we've blown it as parents and then we see the beautiful people our children have become in spite of us. Love, Your Mom
Tiffy! Just remember that your Coach (the Lord) is always wanting what's best for you, lining you up for the difficult plays, and will discipline you only when necessary! Your co captain (Chris) of the Burns team is awesome, and there just in time, able to pick the ball up when you fumble! Then there are your cheerleaders(closet friends) that are always cheering(praying)for you and fans (those that admire you from a far, watching you work hard)that echo the cheers! I love your family - the Burns Team!! (not so much the Gamecocks though:)!)
I love it. Glad something good can come out of a heartbreaker game like that! :) Go Cocks and Go Mama Tiff!
Oh my good gosh. Tiffany. Those boys are ridiculously adorable.
If you'd become a fan of a better team the analogy would work better for you!! There would be a lot more hope knowing that everything will be good
Yay I found your blog. Am glad you miss Chris after all these years. Sometimes I feel lame because I miss Stuart during my work days. I know...Lame...but at the same time, so thankful that God brought him in my life to share it with. And so what if I miss him? =)
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