Thursday, March 06, 2008

Still Here; Now a year older!

Today I am 32 years and 2 days old. On March 4th I became another year older and hopefully another year wiser. I still think its sad that at 32 I haven't figured out how to do it all right, HA HA. But, I heard a good lesson this year that has really stuck with me and I have decided it will be my theme for this year of my life. So here it is ....the condensed version.

We spend so much time trying to improve on our weaknesses that we never get to enjoy the areas of our lives where we are gifted. I do believe that there is a certain level of accountability that we must have in areas of our lives; like being able to balance our checkbook. But the truth is that may not be my gift. I do, with all that is within me, want to pursue excellence in my life no matter what I do. However, the truth is that I will NEVER probably be excellent at cooking or making money decisions, but I AM organized and love to finish an organization project. I do love to decorate and enjoy making my home look beautiful. I do take excellent care of my kids and love to help them succeed. And I hope that Chris would tell you I am a better wife everyday.

I have, in the past, focused so much on what I didn't like about myself or the one thing that I wasn't very good at and trying to make that one thing better or do that one thing perfectly that I forgot to enjoy what it is about myself that I do like and what it is that I do with excellence. Finding the time to do that is often few and far between, but this thirty second year of my life I am determined to find in myself the things I do well and do them more often.

Lukas will be 1 year old on Easter. He loves to snuggle with his mommy in the mornings. Which makes mommy very happy. His favorite thing to do is play outside with is big brother Bryant. Lukas loves when Bryant plays with him.Lukas will laugh and scream with excitement. Though most of the time Bryant just aggravates Lukas till he gets mad and cries :)

Bryant is into drawing and making up words. He makes up a word and then wants you to make one up too. Then he wants you to laugh very loud about how funny those new words are. From Bryant's early days I knew he was going to be my little lover. And with everyday that passes he confirms that notion. He loves to be with people and loves to wants to hug you at least once before you leave and most of the time a kiss comes with the hug.
So for now the Burns family is:
  1. Very excited that Spring in on the way and we can play outside;
  2. Preparing for a trip to Europe at the end of March....just me, Chris, Mark and Kathy (Mark works with Chris and Kathy is his wife)
  3. Preparing for Lukas' first birthday party
  4. Missing you all!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are so many things that you are wonderful at doing and being! If, on one of those yuck days, your focus seems to be on the one thing ~ call me so that I can remind you of all of the other!!
Happy 32 Birthday year!! Or in India you are now 31 completed, I think I am going to start counting my birthdays thier way!! love you!