Bryant's first day was a good lots of ways. He was a little afraid and and didn't want to let me go.....nor did I really want to let him go... but I did. He didn't cry...but I did. I did wait until I was walking out to the car though. After I got over this initial sadness of it all I drove directly to the grocery store and bought groceries, just like I said I would do. It was great to have a buggy for LOTS of groceries and and not for 2 kids and a LITTLE groceries. Then I went home and let Lukas nap and then he and I had some alone time, which we never get. I think he liked it as much as I did.
Wednesday and Friday I did not cry. Bryant was still a little apprehensive, but went to Mrs. Angela (the teachers aid) very easily. Both days when I went to pick him up he loved it so much he wanted to stay. His exact words were "Play Momma, Play". Which means he wants to stay and play. I forgot to mention that on Monday when I picked him up I told him we were going to Chic-fil-a to celebrate his first day of school and with great enthusiasm he said, "Celebbbbate...Let's do it". IT WAS A GOOD DAY!!!!
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