Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The First of Many First

Timid shoulders holding their shiny new backpack,

Quivering bottom lip makes you want to bring them back

Courageous little boy or brave little miss

You feel your heartstrings pull as you give them a big kiss

And as the teacher guides them they look to you

with tearful eyes

Reminding you it's the first of many firsts

and bittersweet goodbyes

-Laura Taylor Mark

Bryant's first day was a good day...in lots of ways. He was a little afraid and and didn't want to let me go.....nor did I really want to let him go... but I did. He didn't cry...but I did. I did wait until I was walking out to the car though. After I got over this initial sadness of it all I drove directly to the grocery store and bought groceries, just like I said I would do. It was great to have a buggy for LOTS of groceries and and not for 2 kids and a LITTLE groceries. Then I went home and let Lukas nap and then he and I had some alone time, which we never get. I think he liked it as much as I did.

Wednesday and Friday I did not cry. Bryant was still a little apprehensive, but went to Mrs. Angela (the teachers aid) very easily. Both days when I went to pick him up he loved it so much he wanted to stay. His exact words were "Play Momma, Play". Which means he wants to stay and play. I forgot to mention that on Monday when I picked him up I told him we were going to Chic-fil-a to celebrate his first day of school and with great enthusiasm he said, "Celebbbbate...Let's do it". IT WAS A GOOD DAY!!!!

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