Friday, August 17, 2007

Cross-Centered Life

I have finished the book I have been reading. It was one of the better books I've read.
It is called The Cross Centered Life.
It was not that there was some new revelation that it brought me to. It was just that it reminded me about the cross. I guess that sometimes...well a lot of the time we forget about it. We tend to focus more on other LIFE....which seems to overwhelm most of us 80% of the time. I know what happened on the was suppose to be my cross. I know why he did it....but I can't believe he did it for me. Sometimes I get so caught up in life and even caught up in good things like reading the Bible, learning about God, but I forget the cross. The truth is that everything about who I am goes back to the cross and what became of my savior there. He saved my soul from eternal death all becaused he loves me better than I could ever deserve to loved. He spent 3 hours in hell so that I wouldn't have to spend eternity there. So what does the cross mean for me now you ask?.......Well, because I know the end of the story for me is heaven, nothing, no NOTHING will ever overcome me.... no sorrow, no want, no need, no disease, no dissappointment, no loss, and no hardship. My body may suffer from these things, but if my body gives way to any of these things my soul is placed in the hands that bare scars that should have been mine. It is hard to see Christ on the cross.... but that cross, how amazing .......that I can hold tight in the hard times, I can hold tight when life seems right, I can be joyful till my last breath. TODAY and EVERYDAY it is my JOY to serve my God who became my sacrifice so that I could know THE REST OF MY STORY.

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