Just a quick picture to let you know I am still alive and well. We are adjusting to our new lives quickly and are so thankful for little Lukas. He is a happy baby. He smiles all the time and loves to hear his brother's voice. He sleeps great at night.....we even had one all nighter this week.

I am finding my way in this crazy parenting roll. Bryant is challenging me, but still an absolute joy to have around. He makes me laugh everyday by the words he trys to say and the little moves he tries to do. Chris is a wonderful Daddy. He has been gracious to me as a crazy Mother and loves me better than I deserve. He has had his share of evenings with both boys all by himself and has managed to do things quite well. That is a plus for me....so Mommy can have some time to herself. Another thing I've realized is that I am the only girl in this bunch.....ok by me though......hopefully Bryant and Lukas will LOVE their MOMMA!