Sunday, April 23, 2006

Bryant and Daddy washing the car

This is the kind of scene that I know I'll enjoy seeing over and over again during the coming years...Daddy teaching Bryant. I pray that Bryant grows to be a gentle, kind, strong, smart man just like his Daddy.
Next week Bryant will be 10 months old. For some reason I feel like it is a mile stone. It's not like he's a year old yet, but he's no longer in the single digit months like 9.... How silly am I? I think that I over analyze the situation, but being a mommy seems to have brought this quality out in me. Today, Greg and Sydna came over and brought my new nephew Whit. I felt privileged as it was Sydna and the baby's first outing since his birth almost 2 weeks ago. I held Whit the whole time and of course I reminisced about holding Bryant just 10 short months ago. I can say SHORT now, but really there were a few months that I thought that I'd never get through. But anyway, back to the story. I cried as I confessed to Sydna that I had been over whelmed with the amount of advice that I was given. Because it made me question my own instincts when what I was doing didn't necessarily match the advice I was given. My point was to her, that I always did my best, and no matter what...."Your the Mommy of the year to Whit". They are resilient little things and even when I was wrong, Bryant was no worse off and I always figured it out and still am for that matter. I call it "We're working it out". For the next 18 years or so Bryant and I will be "Working it out". We'll get through the baby stage and he'll be a toddler...Learning to talk and say things like "no"...And guess what? We will definitely "Work it out". Don't get me wrong....I need the advice, its just that now I know what to do with it.......Listen and think about it.....Then do what I think is best. And now I also know it doesn't have to always be what everyone else thinks is best.

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