Saturday, July 14, 2007

Taking Time to Smell the Flowers

I know I said I'd post pictures from the party but I didn't get any really good ones. I was too busy trying to hostess. So I decided to post these instead.
In the mornings Chris opens the back door to our house and leaves it open to let in some fresh air. When Bryant wakes up he likes to go out the back door onto our porch and enjoy the cool moring air. Sometimes he even picks me flowers....too bad they're my potted plants. But I don't mind since he say so sweetly with a big grin on his face, "Momma...Flowder". Which means: Momma I picked you a flower. He also hugs my neck and says, "Momma's buddies". Which means: Bryant and Lukas are Momma's buddies.
When we are riding down the road I am amazed at all the things he notices. For instance if there is a balloon anywhere in sight he will see it and yell, "BAOONS" to make sure that you notice them too. I guess it kind of goes along with the smelling the flowers thing. I wonder what it must have been like to smell a flower or to play with a balloon for the first time. Bryant never misses the opportunity to smell a flower or just to notice what I take for granted everyday. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to do it all again for the first time with Bryant and that he reminds me that "flowders" and "baoons" are worth noticing.
The other picture is of one of those sweet moments you wish you could save forever and no picture seems to capture it quite right. But, I love to see all three of my boys together.

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