Ok, so I've made it through the first year and how do I feel.....?
I've learn a ton in such a small amount of time about: diapers, baby food, sleep patterns, formula, shoe fittings, baby toys, how to do things one-handed, my physical limits and God's abundant provision, how to clean house without making a noise so not wake up Bryant, and the list could go on and on. Its funny how after one child you feel like you've experienced every mothers joy and pain. It's like you all of sudden have thousands of new friends who know EXACTLY what your feeling. I am so thankful for every single moment I've spent with Bryant.....he's afectionally known as: my little rascal, sweet kisser, paci lover, blanket snuggler, curly headed, blue-eyed, root-beer belly, blueberry lover. All these days have been the best days of my life and I know that they will only get better. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRYANT!!

Ian Spencer, Bryant, and Karis enjoy the baby pool at the party

This is Whitten Burns, Bryant's 12 week old cousin. He looks just like his mommy. I know that he and Bryant will be big buddies!!

Lindsey and Karis teach Bryant how to drink from a cup.

This Cameron and Gabi Duncan. Bryant and Cam are only 2 months apart. Cameron is definatley bigger than Bryant...but Bryant's got more hair...HA HA!!
Thanks everyone for making the party so great! I also appreciate those sent presents to Bryant even though they could not be here. We love you all and appreciate your thoughtfulness.
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