Monday, January 16, 2006

Two Teeth

For months now Bryant has been drooling all over everything. He was going through 5 or more bibs a day. I knew those little teeth were on their way.
How we discovered them:
We were eating dinner and my parents house and, of course, Bryant has already started wanting whatever we have. I put my glass of water down to his lips and puts it right in his mouth. To get a visual: Just imagine a puppy with his tongue stuck down in a bowl. It was one of those priceless moments you wish you had on tape. Well, while slopping some water from my glass I heard a tooth chime on the glass. I immediately stuck my fingers in his
mouth and there they were. Two teeth barely poking
their way through.
I never knew such small little moments would mean so much to me. Never want to miss them.....don't want you to either.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Bryant, on your two new teeth! We love you!

Leah said...

I can't get over how Bryant looks so much like Chris and so much like Tiffany at the same time!